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My Portfolio

Hey I'm Abhik. I build applications that solve real problems that is present around us. I love to explore different programming technologies and building stuffs using them.

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Expense Tracker

PWA to track user's income and expenses realtime, integrated speech recognition and added voice commands, detailed analysis of earnings and spedings using interactive animated charts.

  • React.js
  • Speechly
  • Material Ui


Video conferencing web app, with in call chat feature for participants.

  • Node.js
  • WebRTC


Ai powered news app with added capabilities like voice search functionality, useful voice commands for getting specific news, etc. Used API for fetching latest news.

  • React
  • Alan Ai
  • News Api

Bubble Popper

Javascript 2D game made using Javascript Canvas and only vanilla Js, no libraries used.

  • Javascript
  • Canvas


I've worked with a range a technologies in the web development world. From Front-end to Back-end.

  • Front-End

    Html, Css, Javascript, Jquery, React.js, Redux, Gatsby.js, Next.js

  • Back-End

    Node.js, Mongodb, Django, FLask, Php, Mysql

  • Tools

    Git, Github, Firebase

About Me

I'm a passionate full-stack developer from India. Learning by doing.
while(1) Learn; Code; Build;



In Problem Solving At Hackerrank

All India rank 83

In ISB 2020

Learning by doing